Less Wrinkle More Happy, Pertama Kali Treatment di Derma Express! [REVIEW]

by - 1:29 AM


Hi everyone! It’s been so long to not posting anything here in this blog, but today, gonna share something excited. As the title said, i finally got a chance to experience myself to do some face treatments here in Derma Express. But unfortunately this might not for worldwide readers because gonna share my story in indonesian language.

Well, what is Derma Express?

Jadi, Derma Express ini ialah sebuah klinik kecantikan dengan dokter yang sangat handal dibidangnya, terutama untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan kulit, dengan vibe yang menyenangkan dan kekinian. You could see how the clinic looks like, playful yet so comfy.

Derma Express ini punya banyak cabang di Jakarta dan beberapa di kota besar lainnya, salah satunya yang aku kunjungi beberapa waktu lalu yaitu cabang Tawakal, dimana lokasinya di area Jakarta Barat, which is lumayan strategis.

What Treatment I did on this session?

Well, sebelum aku melakukan treatment, aku konsultasi dahulu dengan dok Gerrit. I used to plan to do threadlifting to my nose, but sadly it couldn’t make it since my nose it still looks good tho, even i’m willing to make it better, but the doctor said to suggest another treatment which i concerm abou.

Kondisi kulitku not surely bad since i always take care of my skin everyday, cuma ada satu hal yang ternyata aku concern selain hidungku, and yes sebagai overthinker dan well expression to my everyday feeling lol, i got so much wrinkles back then all over my forehead, so i decide to have a botox treatment to make it less wrinkles.

At first, jujur takut, not sure i was afraid of the needle or else, but then it happened.

Setelah konsultasi dengan dokter, aku akhirnya yakin untuk treatment botox dahi. Katanya sakitnya bentar dan almost painless, well percaya? Aku buktiin sendiri akhirnya. Selain penasaran karena akupun saat ini sedang bekerja di beauty clinic, liat macem-macem treatment, dari filler botox sampai threadlift, akhirnya sekarang aku tahu how it feels, seberapa sakitnya dll, well it’ almost painless for me, just for a bit and for awhile, but it impressed me at the end of the process.

Masuk ke ruang treatment, dibersihkan dahulu, pakai apd dll, and now ready to step it out the fear I had. Setelah all good, akhirnya masuk ke proses gambar, disini dokternya melihat seberapa parahkan kerutan yang ada, sampai akhirnya he tooks me for 40 units to all over my forehead. Aku ga bisa bilang banyak, but i guarantee it tooks me in 3 of 10 pain level, which not that bad to be honest but not also painless as i thought, BUT I LOVE THE RESULT UGH.

What they have on their menu?

Well well well, ini pertanyaan paling banyak diserbu, askinf about the menu and price for sure. It’s obviously affordable yet reasonable for some reasons, especially who work like me, need to look good everyday, this saves your issue and your money. Trust me, the price screams to good result indeed. I’m glad i can experience this and share this to you too.

Sorry ga begitu jelas, but you can feek free to ask me or just ask them about the price. Menurut aku sih ini sangat reasonable dan masuk akal untuk kaum milenial, even untuk pekerja kaya aku ini masih sangat ramah kantong loh.

Ga ada lagi alasan sebenernya mau rawat diri dengan price range yang affordable ini, beauty isn’t that pain kok, mau rawat diri ya ada hal yang dikorbanin, to look even better and boost lots of confidence.

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