Hello peeps!Beberapa hari lalu, aku baru aja visit salon terbaru di Jakarta Pusat, tepatnya di area Bendungan Hilir. Salonnya ini rebranding dari PointCut Salon by Irwan Team, yes IT’U Hair Concept, again by Irwan Team, sebelahan juga sama Irwan Hair Academy. ...
Lebaran Tampil Lebih Pede, Nose Threadlift di Derma Express Ga Sakit Sama Sekali!
9:05 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi everyone! I’m finally back on writing to share my experience talked about skin treatment, but well, if you read the title, it would talk about another treatment session in Derma Express which I used to talk about it on the previous post here ...
Laneige NEW Water Bank Blue Hyaluronic series [REVIEW]
11:34 PM / BY Kiko K
Well as a korean skincare lover, which I concern about their claims and high quality ingredients, also their outrageous packaging, these would be very interesting to try, especially when it claims to extra moisture and extra calming, worry say no more baby. ...
Less Wrinkle More Happy, Pertama Kali Treatment di Derma Express! [REVIEW]
1:29 AM / BY Kiko K
Hi everyone! It’s been so long to not posting anything here in this blog, but today, gonna share something excited. As the title said, i finally got a chance to experience myself to do some face treatments here in Derma Express. But unfortunately this might not for worldwide readers because gonna share my story in indonesian language. ...