Hi everyone! It's me Kiko back to this page to share a new thing to be considered to your daily needed and that's Parfume! Berbicara mengenai parfum, wewangian yang fresh itu bagus loh untuk membangun mood kamu, tidak harus fresh tapi setidaknya sesuatu yang harum dapat mempengaruhi suasana hati. Nah disini aku mau rekomendasikan parfum yang punya citrus base, ada yang suka juga kah? ...
hello, It's been long time not sharing about #kikobeautyseries on blog. Recently aku ga begitu banyak skincare yang aku ubah, karena sudah nyaman dengan beberapa skincare product tapi sesekali masih mencoba skincare product lain tergantung kondisi kulit juga. Nah kali ini aku mau share produk terbaru yang lagi aku coba, hopefully it helps you to achieve healthy skin as mine. ...
hello, it's been forever not sharing anything besides fashion and beauty till I forget that I also share anything in lifestyle section, or I just share about it on my other social media? Well, not disclaiming any business post but I truly share this because I'm consuming this for years then I share it to you fellas. ...
hi everyone, ...
Hi everyone, How's life? Hopefully you're good as I am. Back in routine: new office, new environment, new lifestyle. Here I am, to share with you, how I dress everyday, nope, I share a day with me, in dots obsession. ...
holla babe, it's been a while not sharing about beauty series here on my blog and now here I am, to share a little happiness just flew away to my home. I just received a happy box from the collaboration Sociolla and Vaseline. ...
hi babe. it's been a while not posting anything here on the blog, but now here. Collaborated myself with @theshonet and @fashionlinkgram for create a moment that has changed me a bit more, and showing in how it transforms. From this sneekpeak you might see how it looks like. ...
hi babe! Beberapa hari lalu, aku dateng ke acara Grand Launching of Ariul in Indonesia, dan lokasinya di Motomoto, Q Big di serpong. I'm kinda happy kiddos since I've tried their 7 days masks and it's all good, I swear. Dan kali ini mereka benar-benar officially launched di Indonesia dan sudah available di Sociolla.com dan Sociolla Offline Store! ...
Titipbeliin.com adalah Solusi Beli Barang dari Luar Negri Tanpa Ribet
12:42 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi babe! Lama banget kayanya ga nongol di blog, saking sibuknya kerja di startup. Cuma kali ini nongolnya ga cuma sekedar curhat aja kok, curhat juga sih tapi sambil sharing info-info yang up-to-date dan membantu kaum millenial, atau bahkan membantu banyak kalangan biar tetep bisa gaul juga gituu.. ...
hello everyone~ it's been too long to not sharing about my current life (besides my beauty post) into this blog post, so here I am.. ...
Make Over Demi-matte Cover Cushion [REVIEW]
3:02 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi everyone! #kikobeautyseries is back! Kali ini mau bahas salah satu produk makeup dari salah satu produk lokal, dan jadi salah satu yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh para beauty enthusiast. ...
Hi everyone! #kikobeautyseries is finally comin! Kali ini mau bahas salah satu produk skincare yang lagi aku pakai dan secinta itu sama produknya. ...
Hello peeps, Few weeks ago, I had a chance to visit my friend in Bali, Indonesia. But to be honest, I'm kinda curious also to have a solo traveling since long time ago (trust me, i never ever go traveling and even booking airplane ticket yet doing all by myself, and now i do it all alone, i beyond proud that i can do haha like finally). ...
Hi everyone! It's been so long not so productive as I usually am since handling one daily program all alone. I think it sounds basic, but this is too hard. Well, without any further due, i'll tell you what's inside in these past three weeks. ...
hello dear, back in town after having a trip to Bali in few days ago (will post about the journey on blog real soon). I feel so many things happened recently, some are with reasons, and some are not. ...
hello, Spring season (maybe) just started in some countries, but sadly it wouldn't come in my country but still okay, I could giving you some stytling tips in spring season in my way. Hope you enjoy it! ...
hello, Lama ga bahas mengenai styling session with me, apalagi style kali ini mungkin bisa jadi pedoman kalian dalam berdandan yang rapi tapi ga membosankan. ...
hello, sebelum beranjak jauh ke bahasan postingan kali ini, aku mau klaim bahwa sebagian isi dalam tulisan ini adalah menggunakan bahasa indonesia demi mencakup banyak pembaca lokal sebagai poin utama, tapi aku akan coba belajar lagi penyajiannya untuk mencakup pembaca luar. ...
hello, it's always me, back to the right place; updating blog more often for new year resolution. will writing and posting about anything I like even better. Hope you enjoy it! ...
Happy New Year 2019! More wonderful things happened and many years to come! All best wishes xo ...