BHUMI Bakuchiol Night Oil, works as Retinol, does It work?

5:19 PM / BY Kiko K
Skincare is something that is common to be used for many people, especially when it comes to maintain our appearance, skincare issa needed to make our skin look even better. Well, recently I just tried out the product that has main concern as an anti aging which I think I need in these days, since ages, and as a local brand enthusiast, now going to present to you something new from local product that excite...

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How to Get Healthy Glow Skin with Aqua Reflections x Sociolla

4:24 PM / BY Kiko K
 Glass skin is something that we always look up to over our skin health. But somehow people forget how to achieve that kind of glass skin takes so much efforts, not gonna share to you to achieve that goals in instant way, like put all of your makeup to look a like a glass flawless kinda. ...

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