BHUMI Bakuchiol Night Oil, works as Retinol, does It work?

5:19 PM / BY Kiko K
Skincare is something that is common to be used for many people, especially when it comes to maintain our appearance, skincare issa needed to make our skin look even better. Well, recently I just tried out the product that has main concern as an anti aging which I think I need in these days, since ages, and as a local brand enthusiast, now going to present to you something new from local product that excite...

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How to Get Healthy Glow Skin with Aqua Reflections x Sociolla

4:24 PM / BY Kiko K
 Glass skin is something that we always look up to over our skin health. But somehow people forget how to achieve that kind of glass skin takes so much efforts, not gonna share to you to achieve that goals in instant way, like put all of your makeup to look a like a glass flawless kinda. ...

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Scarlett, Serum Lokal Ampuh Basmi Jerawat!

4:19 PM / BY Kiko K
 Hi love! Staying at home for quite long time made me take care of my skin even deeper, but I still have to go to work by putting the mask on, it was okay at first but I realized that ‘Mascne’ (Mask Acne) is coming real to my face. And I’ve been trying out this new local face serum on the market, how it works on my skin?    Hi love! Staying at home for quite...

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Dr.Bronner's Organic Multi Wash Liquid Soap [REVIEW]

3:22 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! As often as we take care of our skin, what you usually take care of the most? Me, face for sure, I take care for sure my face even more thus it visually seems complex, but I forget to take care of my body ever since. Well, as sensitive skin user, I become picky over choosing what product I have to use, and now worry no more. Why?  ...

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Kitashi Pillow Spray Solusi Anti Insomnia [REVIEW]

4:16 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love!The quality of sleep affects to the whole mood of the day, if you don't sleep enough, the rest of your day would be sleepy or cranky or else. The insomnia syndrome has been major issue for millennials and many people out there who have a lack of sleep time, caused by many reasons such as habit.   ...

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Rutin Pakai Natur Sleeping Mask Aloe, Kulit Auto Glowing Pas Bangun Tidur! [REVIEW]

10:08 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love!Such a busy week I’ve ever been, and had a short time to take care of my skin. But lately I’ve been using new product from Natur Sleeping Mask right on my P.M skincare routine. ...

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Shopee Haul: Brand Lokal Invansion.

12:41 AM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! How's life yoo?! The new normal life is just about starting, are u even ready yet? How about me? Not sure but the life must go on right? Well, today, i will share something exciting to be posted here, to be ready facing the new normal life, but make it fashion?! ...

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A decade journey of being me #MEaningful

1:32 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi Love! It's been 10 years I created this platform to express what I have inside, it's totally a decade I can't easily believe what I've done in these years.  ...

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C Lab & Co Coffee Scrub [REVIEW]

7:22 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! It's been over two months not sharing anything here on blog. What's up guys? Does your current life feel good so far? Well, after over 3 months my country has been locked down, especially the city where I currently live, the government limits the space to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 that affects to many life sectors, including me, working in fashion retail. But now i'm here, not gonna talk about that...

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Self Quarantine

8:26 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello babe! It's been long time not sharing anything on blog, and currently the world seems not so okay as we already knew. It's crazy scary situation I've ever been, isn't it? ...

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Fashion Trip To HongKong Part 2

3:35 AM / BY Kiko K
hello everyone, i know it's quite late to update this part after a thousand nights thinking about this trip and i kinda miss this short journey here in Hongkong, should I go back? All crew, all influencers. ...

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Monochrome Glaze

6:24 PM / BY Kiko K
TS The Label sweatshirt, Shop at velvet trousers, Longcamp bag, H&M boots. ...

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