Dots Obsession

9:44 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi everyone, How's life? Hopefully you're good as I am. Back in routine: new office, new environment, new lifestyle. Here I am, to share with you, how I dress everyday, nope, I share a day with me, in dots obsession. ...

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VASELINE Super Food Skin Serum [REVIEW]

1:38 AM / BY Kiko K
holla babe, it's been a while not sharing about beauty series here on my blog and now here I am, to share a little happiness just flew away to my home. I just received a happy box from the collaboration Sociolla and Vaseline. ...

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Modern Heritage

2:23 PM / BY Kiko K
hi babe. it's been a while not posting anything here on the blog, but now here. Collaborated myself with @theshonet and @fashionlinkgram for create a moment that has changed me a bit more, and showing in how it transforms. From this sneekpeak you might see how it looks like. ...

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