Derma Angel Acne Patch Kit [REVIEW]

7:50 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love #kikobeautyseries is coming back again yeaaaay! Nah di episode kali ini, aku mau ngebahas tentang produk yang jadi andalan buat orang yang suka tiba-tiba jerawatan atau punya tipikal wajah yang berjerawat. Mau tau gimana ampuhnya produk ini? Baca sampai akhir yaa~ ...

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Monday, babe?

9:50 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! how was your day peeps? is it good? hope your day always filled with joy and love. monday sounds messy, aren't you? ...

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Self Talk #1

9:30 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love. Long time to not writing down what I've been thinking lately; like this self talk. I wouldn't share like fashion post or anything else, but let me share what's on my mind for now. ...

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Launching Giordano #OneIndonesia Collections

7:04 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love. What's up everyone? It's August already, I mean my country is gonna celebrate our birthday real soon. The independence day is meant to be important for everyone who's living in this country, isn't it? And one brand that really huge, Giordano just launched their new collections collaborate with one of the talented and young man, he's Muhammad Taufik or better known as "Emte". What makes this collections look different? Just checking out the...

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