Hello love! Weekend is finally here, ya? What do you love the most while the weekend comes? Chill with friends or even family as well? I hope you guys spends your time nicely~~~ ...
hello love! I know this post should be shared long long time ago, but I always forget to publish.. Well, before we start a complete story; I'm gonna ask you first.. What you expect about "Street Style" shoud be? Comment down bellow ya? Then we start now, love.. hello love! I know this post should be shared long long time ago, but I always forget to publish.. Well, before we start a complete story; I'm...
hi loveeee if you followed me on Instagram; you guys already know that i joined #KayXFreshkon flatlay competition; and finally I got the third winner.... now gonna make an unboxing post; what's inside this box bellow~ *sorry for my fckin bareface yet excited* ...