All Black Uniform

1:00 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love! How was your christmas eve last monday? I hope that your day always filled with joy, love, and His blessing. lemme reveal my late ootd post hehehe cause i forgot to post this one on blog. then leggo! ...

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Houndstooth Obsession

8:00 PM / BY Kiko K
hi love finally i post s new thing here ya, do you miss me? hahaha right after i move myself to the capital city, i never have a free time like usual. ...

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Focallure Color Mix [REVIEW]

10:45 PM / BY Kiko K
hi love #kikobeautyseries is coming back again yeaaaay! Nah di episode kali ini, aku mau ngebahas tentang produk blush dari brand Focallure asal china yang sedang hype banget di kalangan per-beauty-blogger and beauty enthusiast. Sebagus apa sih brand ini dan blush yang akan aku coba ini, baca selengkapnya~~ ...

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Go to the museum, please?

12:09 AM / BY Kiko K
hi love! i'm finally here, right after moving to a new life, a new job, a new place. been busy for whole week but can reveal a new post related to fashion. met my partner in the new place and we both have similar interest yet style, so lucky! ...

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1:15 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! How are you? I hope you're doing great. I am in the hardest part of my life... no, kidding. but leaving the city where you found out your own happiness for long time, is such nerve-racking. ...

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Weekend Glympse

12:00 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! Since the last post and instagram's polling about how i add some colors on my basic-androgyny monochrome style, and most people wants me to add some, and voila i did! ...

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Winter Blossom

12:02 PM / BY Kiko K
hi love it's me kiko. finally back to posting a new styling post here. channeling my grunge yet Parisian side of mine while the winter comes (but it doesn't happen on my country to be honest) but i love to dressing up like this every day. ...

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Jakarta Fashion Week Day 2: Wardah #ColorEuphoria

3:17 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! Sorry too late to posting the event report of lastest fashion week that I attended. Well, I've got invited by Wardah for their new collaboration in Jakarta Fashion Week 2018. So yeah, here are the report of mine! the outfit that i wore ...

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Color Combo

2:24 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! Finally back in posting fashion post in blog. I know it's kinda post often but dont mind ya? Well, postingan kali ini ada faedahnya kok yang pasti *semoga* ...

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Style Transition

10:28 AM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! Finally post a new thing here; styling time!! Well, the weather's here is becoming colder and rainy everywhere. Since i've told you that i'm living in this beautiful tropical country, Indonesia has two season; dry season and rainy season. But dressing myself like a winter, because why not? ...

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Hello Friday

11:33 AM / BY Kiko K
hello love! it's me, back in styling post in brand new October!! Still in basic, minimal yet monochrome kind of look. Add some quirkiness, why not? ...

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Diskon Gila-gilaan 90% di Shopee 10.10 Mobile Shopping Day?

4:07 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! Gimana nih kabarnya? Semoga harinya selalu menyenangkan ya~ Dan tahun 2017 ini udah mau abis aja nih, tapi goals dan wishlist kamu udah terwujud semua? Ngomong-ngomong soal wishlist, siapa sih yang gamau wishlistnya bisa kewujud, apalagi yang berhubungan dengan barang-barang yang kamu pengen banget tapi gatau beli dimana dan pas tau beli dimana eh harganya mahal, suka ngerasa gitu ga? Tapi sekarang, ga ada perasaan sedih kalo ceritanya barang-barang yang kamu pengen harganya...

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A Fine Saturday

11:18 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love! akhirnya balik lagi bertemu dengan hari sabtu yang mungkin kebanyakan orang menantikan hari ini tiba, karena lelahnya dengan pekerjaan setelah fulltime working. But for me personally, karena aku sendiri masih freelance, waktu kerjaku yang ga tentu. Bisa aja kerja di hari libur dan santai banget di hari biasa orang ngantor.  Dan hari sabtu lalu, aku menghabiskan waktu dengan berbagi dan tentunya me time. Penasaran? ...

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Flatlay Tips

7:41 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love! It's september already ya~ Dan pastinya sudah memasuki musim gugur di bumi bagian utara dan musim semi di bumi bagian selatan, but for somebody who lives in tropical country as mine; musim-musim itu tidak terjadi di negara yang beriklim tropis seperti Indonesia. Tapi, postingan kali ini aku ga akan membahas mengenai fashion saja, tapi lebih condong ke arah lifestyle namun dalam perspektif yang lain. Dari judulnya,you may be recognized what I'm going to...

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4:32 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! It's been long time to not posting about my lastest ootd on my social media to this own blog. Let me to share here ya? Sorry for spreading sad story on the last post, but hope it found something really meant to be. But this post just share the details of my last post on Instagram hehehehehhe ...

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Derma Angel Acne Patch Kit [REVIEW]

7:50 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love #kikobeautyseries is coming back again yeaaaay! Nah di episode kali ini, aku mau ngebahas tentang produk yang jadi andalan buat orang yang suka tiba-tiba jerawatan atau punya tipikal wajah yang berjerawat. Mau tau gimana ampuhnya produk ini? Baca sampai akhir yaa~ ...

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Monday, babe?

9:50 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love! how was your day peeps? is it good? hope your day always filled with joy and love. monday sounds messy, aren't you? ...

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Self Talk #1

9:30 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love. Long time to not writing down what I've been thinking lately; like this self talk. I wouldn't share like fashion post or anything else, but let me share what's on my mind for now. ...

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Launching Giordano #OneIndonesia Collections

7:04 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love. What's up everyone? It's August already, I mean my country is gonna celebrate our birthday real soon. The independence day is meant to be important for everyone who's living in this country, isn't it? And one brand that really huge, Giordano just launched their new collections collaborate with one of the talented and young man, he's Muhammad Taufik or better known as "Emte". What makes this collections look different? Just checking out the...

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Saturday Chill

11:03 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! Weekend is finally here, ya? What do you love the most while the weekend comes? Chill with friends or even family as well? I hope you guys spends your time nicely~~~ ...

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Simple Street Style

4:35 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love! I know this post should be shared long long time ago, but I always forget to publish.. Well, before we start a complete story; I'm gonna ask you first.. What you expect about "Street Style" shoud be? Comment down bellow ya? Then we start now, love.. hello love! I know this post should be shared long long time ago, but I always forget to publish.. Well, before we start a complete story; I'm...

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Unboxing Kay Collection x Freshkon Beauty Box

2:55 PM / BY Kiko K
hi loveeee if you followed me on Instagram; you guys already know that i joined #KayXFreshkon flatlay competition; and finally I got the third winner.... now gonna make an unboxing post; what's inside this box bellow~ *sorry for my fckin bareface yet excited* ...

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Quirky 70s Vibe

9:10 PM / BY Kiko K
hi love! since i had quality time in home for two weeks; i found a lots insteresting stuffs during that time. i went to the vintage store, mix and match everything that i have, watching lots of k-drama etc. so this post belongs to be 70s kind of look, perhaps. ...

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Shop Beauty Product on

2:25 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi love.. How was your day so far? As you know that beauty is the things that common for everyone. Not to mention a boy; they also need a beauty touch to looking good as a person. Because beauty itself isn't always about make-up, right? Have you heard about Sociolla before? Check this post then~~~~ ...

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Innisfree Greentea Fresh Special Kit [REVIEW]

8:32 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love. i'm back for my beauty series. right here right now, i decide to try this korean skincare from Innisfree. who doesn't know inniesfree? ...

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12:11 AM / BY Kiko K
hello love. in mood to wearing oversized. lazy kind of the day; dressing up in basic colour as always. less accsesories, messy hair don't care. ...

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Karadenta Skincare Product [REVIEW]

9:38 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love. balik lagi dengan Kiko's beauty corner here~ setelah beberapa waktu lalu aku mereview treatment di Karadenta Clinic yang kalian bisa baca disini. Nah kali ini aku berkesempatan untuk memberikan review mengenai skincare product dari Karadenta Clinic. ...

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1:07 PM / BY Kiko K
hi love. hope your day as not glommy as the title of this post. but i hope your day is always fabulous as mine while the ramadhan is coming tomorrow. who's excited? i think all moslems are excited as i feel. ...

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Drop Bali Coconut Beauty Oil [REVIEW]

4:43 PM / BY Kiko K
hi love. This time I had the opportunity to introduce Drop Bali Coconut Beauty Oil to you guys. I guess you guys already heard this product as ordinary coconut oil, but this product is not just ordinary coconut oil. What makes this product different from the usual we know? Read more~ ...

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2:39 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love. it's been long long time ago i guess, never go the event haha because i found myself busy by blogging or youtube-ing hahaha and last wednesday, i attended Someday review new collections with my LYKE Ambassador fellows and blogger fellows which held in Mister Sunday, Jakarta. And also i got an honour to wear their new collection when we attend the event first. Octa (@sryyoctaa) and I looks like twin in Velvet Plisket...

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lazy saturday

1:56 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love! how was your day? hope you enjoy every second that you spending for.. weekend is just coming fast, i dunno; since i have nothing to do but i try to concern in blogging makes me feel busy almost every day hahaha i hope so... ...

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4:41 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! weekend is just here, and the sun just comes so brightly today. i think it's good to walk arround to feel the summer vibe. in Indonesia,  summer season means "no rain" because in this tropical country, we just know about rainy season and dry season lol "i means, summer". when summer comes, going to the beach and let the sun burns our skin, is the best vacation idea. and lots of tourists come...

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10:04 PM / BY Kiko K
hello love. finally share a new styling post here on my blog; since nobody could take me photos, i surely hard to find somebody taking photos of mine bcs after graduated, my friends just came back to their home and work, while me, still finding the best one, but i'm still a freelancer of stylist, writer too. please contact me for another project if you need. ...

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10:14 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! i'm finally back here, sharing another fashion inspiration. well, i know it's too lazy to share as you know from my last post hehe but i'll always keep up the good works and do my best for my own blog. so here are another styling of my timeless things ...

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3:33 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! How was your day? I hope it spent well. Well, i know it's been late to share this outfit into my blog, but lemme share this now, rite? Got inspired by japanese vibe through this outer; but i make it simple to make a colourblocking with my turtleneck top. Read more to know the details! ...

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Karadenta Treatment Soft Opening

9:19 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! I'm finally back! So, right here right now i'm gonna talkin about my new series in beauty~ well, it can take of lifestyle series of mine, but yea it has the same thing to share haha in case this skincare clinic is just coming in Indonesia only, so yea i'm gonna continuing this post in bahasa Indonesia, while my worldwide readers see the process through those pics below~ hope you guys enjoy! the...

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Blogger's life

7:59 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! What was your day? I hope your day always filled with joy and love as i did. Well, i know i'm such lazy to posting something on blog bcz till now u guys read this post, i'm still finishing my study:" but i hope i can share more often and do balance between real life and blogger's life.Talking about blogger's life, i'll share what happens on blogger's life! Who's blogger? You might be...

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jeLAZgayague Final Event

7:13 PM / BY Kiko K
Well, hello everyone! How was your day? Wish your day always filled with joy and happiness. Okay, this post will talk about the event that i attended last week, bcz i was chosen to be top 10 finalists (again) of #jeLAZgayague from Lazada Indonesia and i'm such happy to be joined again on this year, if you remember this event last year here my photo that to be chosen as top 10 finalist; that open for...

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9:52 PM / BY Kiko K
Well, hello everyone! I'm finally back here, about sharing my personal style. I know it's been late to share on the blog while i already posted long long ago on my Instagram. But let me share the details and the story behind. - Everybody will be selfish at the time, because it comes naturally on every human being. But being selfish itself, i always feel guilty why it should happen on me, what should I...

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Yoghurt Time

7:10 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello love! I'm back this year as foodies too hahaha Well,, few days ago, there's a friend on Instagram asked me to join on food testing on his new pop up store in Paris Van Java mall, Bandung. So yea because he loves my basic photography skills lol yea he loves my instagram feed, and his store is very me haha if you guys know me so well, you may know why. Food testing with...

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