Casting outfit

10:39 PM / BY Kiko K
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> Hello, Couple days ago, i decided to make a compcard for my model's portofolio, while i had a fun meeting with blogger fellas based in Bandung, Indonesia. This look belongs to best casting outfit by my own. ...

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Bright day

3:00 PM / BY Kiko K
Hola fellas! Last friday, me and my friend went to Peta street, arround Bandung city. we visited Peta Park. Peta Park is a new place in Bandung city, retablished in 2016. found at Jl.Peta.229.Bandung ...

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Fashion Post: Please

3:04 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi peeps! How was your day? I hope you guys has a good day to go with. Yea; couple weeks ago i met my buddies (minus Ribka) me, Ihsan and Lulu; we met after over a month we didn't have any time to meet. Too busy between us and our own time; and now i let my free time to meet them. We met in a cafe; with a dreamy yet adorable interior ...

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Quirky basic

10:59 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi peeps! how was your day? weekend is just arround, hah? what's your plan? how abt fasting? btw i'm moslem; so i do fasting hehe i hope you guys has a good day, always. portrait of me ...

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