Fashion Post: OOTD RECAP 2015

2:00 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello Fashion Peeps! I don't wanna talk a lot right now, i just wanna say thank you for the blog stopped by. This post is just about my ootd recap for almost a year. From January to December. ...

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Fashion Event: Graduation Fashion Show

2:03 PM / BY Kiko K
- Hello fashion people - Sorry for late report about Fashion Presentation of Andreas Wen (@AW_Wardrobe) and sorry again for bad resolution of some photos that i took during the show because i forgot to bring my camera, so i do apologize to reporting this fashion show by camera phone. This fashion presentation was presented by some students of LPTB Susan Budihardjo as a graduation fashion show.  ...

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Fashion Post: Basic

7:14 PM / BY Kiko K
- Hello good people! - How are you? Feel good? The time flies so fast, and now it's already at the end of the year. How this year transforms me better, knew a lot of good people, passed many events, and many more. I feel so blessed to this oppurtunity, for this chance, how God is so kind and gimme unexpected things every times.  How about you guys?  ...

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Fashion Post: Minimalist in Gray

3:36 PM / BY Kiko K
<span data-sociabuzz-verification="04ec1408" style="display: none;"></span> Hello fellas. Being tired of this semester anyway, so i don't have any time for dress up. Tuesday chillin' out with my friend wearing this plain white shirt covered up with grey vest and grey jogger pants, and put my white slip on. ...

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