Hai fashion fellas! This is maybe my post about fashion event since the previous one : OOTDINDO Gathering 2015. And also this post will talk about my first trunk show Fashion Week, its Jakarta Fashion Week 2016, specially Grazia Glitz and Glam. By the way, before i got the invitation, i did a quiz on Instagram. This quiz would be like post a photo of you while you’re holdin a paper “#GraziaPickMe and wrote on...
Hi beloved readers! This post will be the last post in october, because i decided to make a post twice per month, i don’t decide yet when will i post, but for post ootd’s pict will always update on my instagram’s account and an outfit on my lookbook’s account. Outfit for attending #trademark7 at Paris Van Java Mall Okay, last octobre 3rd i attended my first and biggest gathering in fashion section. YASH, OOTDINDO Gathering...
Hey good people! Sorry for not post a blog for very long time haha just because i’m lil bit busy of college’s task huhu By the way, i attended a concert of Andien Aisyah last september 14th 2015 with my half. I got my ticket as easy because i won ootd’s challenge on instagram that Andien made on her ig’s account, and my bae tho! Yoga, Onya, Kiko ...