Fashion Post: OOTD RECAP 2015

2:00 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello Fashion Peeps! I don't wanna talk a lot right now, i just wanna say thank you for the blog stopped by. This post is just about my ootd recap for almost a year. From January to December. ...

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Fashion Event: Graduation Fashion Show

2:03 PM / BY Kiko K
- Hello fashion people - Sorry for late report about Fashion Presentation of Andreas Wen (@AW_Wardrobe) and sorry again for bad resolution of some photos that i took during the show because i forgot to bring my camera, so i do apologize to reporting this fashion show by camera phone. This fashion presentation was presented by some students of LPTB Susan Budihardjo as a graduation fashion show.  ...

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Fashion Post: Basic

7:14 PM / BY Kiko K
- Hello good people! - How are you? Feel good? The time flies so fast, and now it's already at the end of the year. How this year transforms me better, knew a lot of good people, passed many events, and many more. I feel so blessed to this oppurtunity, for this chance, how God is so kind and gimme unexpected things every times.  How about you guys?  ...

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Fashion Post: Minimalist in Gray

3:36 PM / BY Kiko K
<span data-sociabuzz-verification="04ec1408" style="display: none;"></span> Hello fellas. Being tired of this semester anyway, so i don't have any time for dress up. Tuesday chillin' out with my friend wearing this plain white shirt covered up with grey vest and grey jogger pants, and put my white slip on. ...

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Fashion Post: Visit Bandung Part 2

7:45 PM / BY Kiko K
Hey fellas! After the previous post talked about part 1, this post will be talk about the next part! For you guys, who have a destination to Bandung, don’t forget to visit these places. Special for this post, I visited 2 places who has white background, this one is historical place, and the second place is a café. Salut! Après le post précèdent a parlé de la partie 1, ce poste sera parler de la...

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Fashion Post: Visit Bandung (Part 1)

10:02 PM / BY Kiko K
Salut ! En ce post, je vous invite de visiter quelques places que vous intéressera de visiter à Bandung, specialement des restaurant. Cependant, je decide en plusieurs parties et sera publié dans le prochain post. Hallo ! In this post, i’ll invite you to visit some places that you will be interest to visit in Bandung, specially some restaurants. However, I decided into several parts and will be published in the next post. Hai! Di postingan kali...

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Fashion Event: Grazia Glitz and Glam, Jakarta Fashion Week 2016

10:08 AM / BY Kiko K
Hai fashion fellas! This is maybe my post about fashion event since the previous one : OOTDINDO Gathering 2015. And also this post will talk about my first trunk show Fashion Week, its Jakarta Fashion Week 2016, specially Grazia Glitz and Glam.  By the way, before i got the invitation, i did a quiz on Instagram. This quiz would be like post a photo of you while you’re holdin a paper “#GraziaPickMe and wrote on...

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Fashion Event: OOTDINDO Gathering 2015

12:18 PM / BY Kiko K
Hi beloved readers! This post will be the last post in october, because i decided to make a post twice per month, i don’t decide yet when will i post, but for post ootd’s pict will always update on my instagram’s account and an outfit on my lookbook’s account. Outfit for attending #trademark7 at Paris Van Java Mall Okay, last octobre 3rd i attended my first and biggest gathering in fashion section. YASH, OOTDINDO Gathering...

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11:53 AM / BY Kiko K
Hey good people! Sorry for not post a blog for very long time haha just because i’m lil bit busy of college’s task huhu By the way, i attended a concert of Andien Aisyah last september 14th 2015 with my half. I got my ticket as easy because i won ootd’s challenge on instagram that Andien made on her ig’s account, and my bae tho! Yoga, Onya, Kiko ...

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8:13 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas! Special for this post i’m using bahasa because my english’s too bad hahah Oh iya ini postingan pertama soal resto’s review, actually ga sengaja aja nemu inspirasi buat nulis review resto biar kaya food blogger gitu endorse-annya makanan kan lumayan buat anak kosan macem gue haha Ini gue sama adik tingkat gue namanya Asthi Bella, doi asal bekasi nih yang suka gue pintain buat foto ootd, kebetulan jepretan doi pernah bikin ootd gue...

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Fashion Post: Two Tones in Two Fellas

7:49 PM / BY Kiko K
Hello fellas! This is my first post in September, my new semester of  my last year in college. So, sooner or later i’ll take a rest of blogging, but i’ll be back very soon. Is that okay? I’ll post more ootd in instagram anyway. Okay back to topic, this is the collab with my fashion fellas in Bandung, anyway she’s my senior in SHS but she continue her school in Bandung, btw she graduated her...

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Fashion post: NERDY BOLD

7:52 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas. Long time no see right? lol Btw, this is my last post in August and also last ootd of KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata). About 40 days with 9 another peoples, i do take some ootd every saturday *because the school is free* Here's a sneekpeak before you click the detail ...

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Fashion Post: Coolkids in white

8:07 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas! This is my first post in August and also my first collab with ma cutiest fashion blogger Sonya and ma hottest fashion stylist Yoga. First of all, we make a collab with all white concept. xrzkix - sonyathaniya - yogatan ...

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Fashion post: Kiko x Zalora

12:03 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas, Anw i've got a new baby for my next ootd. The article and some photos will be update really soon! Here's my ootd! #monochromegariskeras Check this out! ...

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Fashion Post: All white

11:57 AM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas. I just make an ootd with all white outfit, even my shoes and my clutch are still black ahhaha I took some photos in 2 places for this outfit. I will add some articles on this post really soon! Here's some photos of my last ootd, right here below. Check this out! ...

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Fashion Event: #RUNFORSTYLEVOL02

7:36 PM / BY Kiko K
Fashion circle in J-town@puteritika @saskiamaharani @poppymalise_ @yogatan @itsdiras @sonyathaniya @mariaistella @oliviafabrianne Hello fashion fellas. A couple days ago, I went to Jakarta for an event in Senayan City This event would be like a styling game session, each team has 3 persones, include one model and 2 runners, that games called #RUNFORSTYLE. This game have played a year ago in #RUNFORSTYLEVOL0, so this year #RUNFORSTLEVOL02. Are you curious about this event? ...

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Fashion Event: Accelefashion

12:00 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas. Hari sabtu kemarin kebetulan aku dateng di acaranya anaknya Tata Busana UPI 2011. Nama acaranya "Accelefashion" (Acceleration Level of Fashion) yang bertempat di Graha Tirta Siliwangi, Bandung. Actually, aku diundang karena suatu hal :p ...

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Fashion Post: MAYnochrome

4:30 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas. Kali ini postingan gue cuma mau recap ootd-an yang ada di bulan mei. Kebetulan bulan ini gue banyak menggunakan di ootd-an gue. ...

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Fashion Post: Formal look

11:36 AM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas. Kali ini gue ga akan ngilang ngilang lagi deh dari peradaban blog ini, mau rajin-rajin lagi *pray* Ohiya kemarin ini gue sama sahabat gue bikin ootd ala-ala dua sesi hahahahaha udah kaya artis aja yak foto aja bersesi sesi. Temanya kalo gue sih ga jauh beda ya hahahha ...

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Fashion Post: Denim x Black

5:43 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas. Long time no see ya haha, maklum banyak kerjaan -_- Kali ini gue nemu beberapa outfit baru sih ya iseng-iseng buat mix match dan ootd ala ala.. ...

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Fashion Event: Pop Up Market 2015

3:35 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas Setelah OOTD Competition dari Dreamers Radio, finalisnya tetep masih akrab kok mereka sumpah baik ga ada duanya deh. Tapi mau gimanapun juga, kumpul sama mereka-mereka ini ga jauh dan ga luput dari OOTD, rite? So, inilah laporan gue soal meetup-reuni-ootd bareng kesayangan aku :* ...

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Fashion Event: OOTD Competition by Dreamers Radio

3:09 PM / BY Kiko K
Hai fellas. It's been a long time i didn't post anything on my blog, kebanyakan tugas dan males nulis *ampuni*.. Kali ini gue nyeritain waktu gue ikutan OOTD Competition dari Dreamers Radio. Gue cerita dari awal mula kenapa gue bisa ikutan kompetisi ini. Sebenernya gue ga begitu niat alias iseng-iseng berhadiah gitu. ...

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Fashion Post: Back to nature

7:40 AM / BY Kiko K
Hai people! Sorry for spam on this blog, i do make "ootd" a lot of this week fufufu Kali ini sedikit berkelas lah tempatnya.. Dan pastinya masih di Kota Bandung nan dingin dan elok, ewh. Sebenernya dadakan sih buat photoshoot gitu, akibat percakapan dengan temen semalem berujung beginilah hahhaha.. "In difficult times, fashion is always outrageous." - Elsa Schiaparelli ...

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Fashion Post: Don't look at my back

7:18 AM / BY Kiko K
Hai people! Lama ga ngeblog sepertinya ya? Haaaa maafin, berasa jadi blogger yang gagal. Hiks Kuliah yang agak menyita waktu buat hobi ya seperti inilah.. Bulan ini gue udah libur dengan miris meliat ip semester 5. Huaaa Jadi pelampiasan kemana-mana, nguliner sampe foto-foto yang absurd (baca: foto oh oh ti di) haha Sampe nyoba-nyoba diy ini itu juga.. "In order to be irreplaceable one must be different." - Coco Chanel ...

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